METS Horse JJ and his current owner. JJ is still available!
We hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving! Filled with family, great food and cheerful spirits! There is so much to be thankful for, especially for us here at METS: Maryland Equine Transition Service! We are so thankful for YOU! For our donors, our funders, our volunteers and our followers. Without YOU, we wouldn’t be able to help all the horses we help find new homes for.
In keeping up with that thankful spirit, please consider donating to METS during this special week! From November 22nd to November 28th, The Maryland Horse Breeders Association will MATCH up to a specific amount of donations raised! That means your donation could be worth DOUBLED for us! That means the $20 lunch you decided to skip to instead enjoy yummy Thanksgiving leftovers, can be worth $40 to help a horse find his or hers next home! Our goal is to raise $1,000, having raised $625 so far. Will you help us reach our goal?! Donate today!

Blackie and Annie
Have Been PLaced!
Great news! Blackie and Annie have been placed in their forever homes!
Congratulations to Annie and her new home at Morningside Stables! Annie will continue her training in hopes of becoming a wonderful addition to their lesson program!
Congratulations to Blackie and his new owner, Jennifer! Now that Blackie has been moved to his new home, the Maryland Fund For Horses is working hard to raise the funds needed for Blackie to receive his surgery!
Save the date! Good Choice Farm Pony Club Riding Center is hosting a tack sale benefitting METS on December 12th from 10am to 3pm!
Join us to sell or buy tack and other equestrian related clothing, supplies and accessories. Need a holiday gift? There will be items to purchase for equine enthusiasts too!
Table rentals are $15 each, which will be donated to the Maryland Equine Transition Service. Tack sale will be hosted in an covered and ventilated ring. Table set up will be from 9am to 10am.
Call or email Kevin to reserve your space today!
Phone: 301-788-4224.
Address: 15530 Comus Road, Clarksburg MD 20871.
Saturday, Dec. 4: Elementary to Modified
Sunday Dec. 5: Logs to Novice
Join the MDHT in the off season for a fun series of Cross Derbies at Loch Moy Farm. It’s a great way to keep you and your pony in top shape over the colder months. The cross derbies combine show jumps and cross country jumps (plus banks, water and ditches) on over 9 acres of manicured footing.
MDHT will announce a theme for dressing up at each Cross Derby. For December, wear your finest Christmas/Holiday attire on both you and your horse if you so choose! Prizes will be given out for the best costumes.
MDHT will also have Team and Individual awards at the end of the series.
A small portion of each entry will go to METS.
For all the information you need to enter, pay and ride, click here:
If you have a question that may have been missed, email

Dobby is a 2007 Appaloosa Gelding. He is elegant and more refined, standing at 16hh. His current owner has spent the time reeducating this lovely chap from the ground. He would be most suited as a companion horse, that is well cared for, while keeping in mind that he has had a very hard history prior to being with his current owner. He would best be paired with a forever home that provided intermediate to advanced handling to keep this intelligent boy on the right track.
Dobby is bright and intelligent. With a skilled person he will continue to be polite and a true sweetheart. He has a lovely confident personality which makes him a super special guy. It’s believed that he is very well bred and that he was likely a successful show horse. He really brightened up during his official METS photoshoot and showed us just how fancy he was, standing like he’d just won the blue ribbon for an in-hand/halter class! Dobby cannot be considered as a riding horse as he has navicular. He wears corrective shoes with wedges, takes one Equioxx pill daily, which allows him to be pasture sound. He looked fairly sound for his assessment, only showing to be off at the trot on the lunge circle in the sand arena. It was a good day for Dobby. He also takes ½ a pill of Prascend for Cushing’s. His maintenance will have to be strongly considered as he will need to remain on the current regimen of shoeing and medications.
Dobby’s assessment was super with no behavior concerns or vices. It was noted that when his current owner became his person, he was extremely challenging to handle due to prior mishandling and mismanagement of his pain. It was clear to her that his discomfort was completely overlooked prior to her taking him on. This resulted in the unsurprising behavioral issues once investigated. He now is a wonderful horse that is respectful, kind and easy – with guidance.
Dobby currently lives in a small mixed herd in a large field. He is placid in the field and a great herd mate. It was noted that he does not like being in the stall/barn alone. He may tolerate if he has a good friend with him. He tends to be unsettled and rub his tail out. He is up to date with the farrier, vet visit and vaccinations. He is due for the dentist and deworming. His Coggins can be draw prior to him finding his new person.
Interested in Dobby? Let us know!
JJ is a 2014 TB gelding standing at a stocky 15.1hh tall. This beautifully handsome chap would be a lovely horse to add to a home looking for a magnificent companion to both horses and humans. He is endearing, friendly and a true joy to be around. He is well-behaved and very levelheaded. He has had extensive groundwork and handling that has created a super solid citizen. He will be looking for a non-riding home and someone that can continue to enjoy him while providing a safe and loving place to be at.
JJ is in great health overall, is on no medication and is an easy keeper. Sadly, he was diagnosed with Kissing Spine not long after his owner took him on a year ago. She spent a great deal of time, energy and resources to help diagnose and remedy the situation. The result is that he is no longer safe or comfortable for ridden work. He becomes tense, spooky and bolts even with an experienced trainer on board. When he first arrived, he was treated for ulcers but now does not have an issue. It may well have been a result in him being asked to work prior to the KS diagnoses and him being in discomfort. It’s such a heartbreaking scenario for both he and his owner. It is clear that he is such a phenomenal horse.
He was super for haltering, grooming, leading, general handling, crossties and lunging. He is bright and alert but mature in his disposition. He does sometimes become a little grabby with his lips but with correct handling he remains polite and a true gentleman. He moved well on the lunge at all three paces. He was obedient and steady. He did not display any sort of discomfort or behavioral issues at all during our visit.
JJ currently lives at a farm that provides 12 hrs of turnout. Daytime in the cooler months and nighttime for the summertime. He would likely thrive in a 24hr turnout situation too. He is a playful member of the herd and is only suited to turnout with other geldings. He is neutral in the pecking order. He is up to date with the farrier, dentist, vet visit, Coggins and vaccinations. He comes with blankets and vet records.
Interested in JJ? Let us know!
Are you looking for your next equine partner? Check out all our available horses in the link below and inquire for more info. We could be posting about your success story next!
Did you know you can donate to METS through the Amazon Smile program? Click the red box below to learn more!