We never get tired of saying it…but we LOVE what we do here at the Maryland Equine Transition Service! And we never get tired of hearing from owners, both previous and new, how grateful they are of what we do and that we exist. One of our favorite parts of our service is hearing from new METS owners on how well their METS horse is doing. METS horses Shane and Kitt were recently placed, and here are their happy stories that we are excited to share with you!
METS Alum Shane
Shane begging for a treat from her new owner at her new place!
Congratulations to Shane and her new owner, Emma! Here is what Emma had to say once she took Shane home:
“Shane has settled in so well! She’s so much more perfect than I even imagined. She is the sweetest horse I’ve ever met. Thanks for all of your help! We could not love this mare any more ❤️”
Shane and her new pasture mate exploring!
METS Alum Kitt
Kitt happy to be at her new home with her new owner!
Congratulations to Kitt and her new owner, Jen! Here is what Jen had to say once she took Kitt home:
“Kitt is doing amazingly well, she is such a kind hearted and gentle soul, I fell in love with her the minute she stepped off the trailer! She has adjusted beautifully to her surroundings, she is eating well, she is allowing me to groom her each day, and to pick up all 4 feet!! My horse Oden appears to be IN LOVE with her, he’s been following her around and whenever he’s out of sight KITT!! will call to him and he comes running!! I am so grateful to you, Leah {Kitt’s previous owner}, as well as your organization for bringing this precious little creature into our lives, she’s definitely part of our family now, and we feel so blessed that we get to be a part of her little life.Thank you so very much again for ALL that you do – I have the upmost respect and admiration for your organization, as well as your ability to bring horses in need and people (in need) together!”
Kitt meeting her new pasture mate, Oden!
Save the date! Good Choice Farm Pony Club Riding Center is hosting a tack sale benefitting METS on December 12th from 10am to 3pm!
Join us to sell or buy tack and other equestrian related clothing, supplies and accessories. Need a holiday gift? There will be items to purchase for equine enthusiasts too!
Table rentals are $15 each, which will be donated to the Maryland Equine Transition Service. Tack sale will be hosted in an covered and ventilated ring. Table set up will be from 9am to 10am.
Call or email Kevin to reserve your space today!
Email: kevinbowie1951@gmail.com.
Phone: 301-788-4224.
Address: 15530 Comus Road, Clarksburg MD 20871.
Saturday, Dec. 4: Elementary to Modified
Sunday Dec. 5: Logs to Novice
Join the MDHT in the off season for a fun series of Cross Derbies at Loch Moy Farm. It’s a great way to keep you and your pony in top shape over the colder months. The cross derbies combine show jumps and cross country jumps (plus banks, water and ditches) on over 9 acres of manicured footing.
MDHT will announce a theme for dressing up at each Cross Derby. For December, wear your finest Christmas/Holiday attire on both you and your horse if you so choose! Prizes will be given out for the best costumes.
MDHT will also have Team and Individual awards at the end of the series.
A small portion of each entry will go to METS. For all the information you need to enter, pay and ride, click here:
If you have a question that may have been missed, email mdhorsetrials@gmail.com.
Mark your calendar for #GivingTuesday (November 30th) and #GivingWeek (November 22nd – 28th)! Take a stand against Horse Slaughter and support equine welfare by donating to the Maryland Equine Transition Service!
GivingTuesday is a global generosity movement unleashing the power of radical generosity, encouraging people to do good. It has grown into a year-round global movement that inspires hundreds of millions of people to give, collaborate, and celebrate generosity.
Amazing news! The Maryland Horse Breeders Association graciously agreed to match donations made to METS during Giving Week! Your donation can help sponsor an assessment for a horse in need of a new home.
The Maryland Equine Transition Service is a 501(c)(3) organization, which means we are a non-profit. Horses in need of transition come in every shape, size, breed, color, age, training level, and temperament. METS provides individualized services for these horses, including equine assessment, marketing assistance, end-of-life support, and facilitating the transition of horses to new homes. Your generous donation can help METS operate and continue offering these special services to both owners and horses in need!
To make a donation, click here!