The Maryland Equine Transition Service event calendar is quickly filling up! Our next upcoming event will be on Saturday, August 14th at Blue Horse Farm sponsored by the Fredrick Area Dressage Shows (FADS), which will be a benefit show for METS. Entries open July 24th, visit FADS for more info and to sign up.
Jessica, our Development Officer will be at the METS booth so be sure to stop by and say Hi! While you are at it, check out all kinds of cool METS items and consider making a donation. Looking forward to seeing everyone there! Don’t forget to check out Browbands for Charities.
Volunteer Roll Call!
We are back to doing in-person assessments and events! Are you over 18 years of age and interested in helping us help MD horses? Are you currently on our volunteer list? Send us an email to confirm your volunteer status or to sign up! Email:


Buddy is a gaited 2000, Tennesee Walking Horse standing at 15.2hh and looking for a wonderful place to call home. He is very much loved by his current people, who took him on from the kindness of their hearts. They would love to see him be fully enjoyed at a new forever home, where he will be able to be in more consistent work.
Buddy is a super sweet, bright eyed and bushy tailed kind of guy. He is intelligent, patient and most suited to a trail riding life, full of adventure. Buddy has a history with laminitis, which can be controlled by routine trims, monitoring of diet and then being in light to moderate regular work. This will be an important factor to consider as he looks for his next spot.
He is great for tacking, grooming and basic handling. He’s not a fan of cross-ties or bathing but likely will tolerate with the correct guidance. He’s most recently been loved by a novice teen, who has worked with him in-hand and some light ring work. He is most suited to an advanced beginner (or above) with access to a trainer.
He likes to look for treats by nibbling but responds well to boundaries when asked. He appears to have had a good groundwork foundation in the past, in-hand and on the lunge.
Buddy currently lives in a small mixed herd in a large field and is second in command. He is up to date with the farrier, vet visit and vaccinations. His Coggins can be draw prior to him finding his new person.
Are you interested in making a new buddy with Buddy? Contact:
Denver is a very handsome 2005, Appendix QH standing at 16hh. This elegant guy is looking for a lovely place to enjoy as his new home. He was born at his current farm and raised by his current owner. He is loved and well cared for but due to downsizing, he is needing someone to take him on.
Denver is a friendly sweetheart, that is full of life with an engaging personality. He does have a history of arthritis, which his mother also had. This mainly appears to be affecting his front legs and left hind. He currently has front shoes with pads for relief. He has been out of consistent work for around 2 years so he does demonstrate some stiffness. With a lighter, more specialized exercise program, and a hoof and vet maintenance plan (medication), he should be a sound riding partner. He will need to be brought back into work carefully because of this or kept as a companion. Please note that Denver was not seen tacked or ridden for our in-person visit.
He is super for general handling; grooming, leading, cross ties, stall, farrier etc. He’s not a fan of flies (but who is?). He is fine to live alone but his owner would like to see him with or close to others. He’d likely be a great babysitter in the field for younger horses, as he tends to be the alpha and has a fun and playful character.
For under saddle work, he would need an intermediate rider that has knowledge and understanding from a trainer, on how to bring a horse safely back into work and how to manage and be aware of arthritic changes etc. He’d be best suited to flatwork in the ring as an English, Western or pleasure type of horse. It was noted that he hasn’t been on extensive trails but he’d likely enjoy those. His current owner prefers for Denver not to be a part of lesson programs with multiple riders at this time.
Denver does crib but currently does not use any method to control this (at owner’s preference). He loves mints and sometimes is a little nippy. He has an impressive disposition for being the only horse in the barn. He was quite tolerant of his rambunctious canine friend that joined him for most on his assessment! He enjoys spending time with kids and teens.
He is up to date with the farrier, vet visit, and Coggins. He will need a booster shot prior to him finding his new person, the current owner will take care of this.
Denver is priced at $1,500. His owner has generously offered to donate that amount to METS when Denver has been transitioned!
Are you interested in Denver?
Are you looking for your next equine partner? Check out all our available horses in the link above and inquire for more info. We could be posting about your success story next!