METS Is Everywhere In MD!
From Timonium to Gaithersburg and everywhere in between, read on to find out where we’ve been!
METS At Horseland!
So much fun at this year’s Horseland SPECTACULAR 2021! The Maryland Horse Industry partners hosted 11 days of free equine education and entertainment events during the Maryland State Fair. There were a variety of equine demonstrations, children’s activities, interactive booths, and more. We were so happy to meet and spread the METS mission with everyone!
Waredaca Brewing Company hosted Cheers to Charities! We raised our glasses on Thursday, September 9th at Waredaca in Laytonsville where 10% of sales directly benefited METS! Waredaca had their Taproom Thursday Summer Schooling Series operating at the same time. We had tables and representatives at both the jumper ring and taproom with new METS swag that was available with a donation! It was so great seeing all the happy faces and glasses raised for MD horses. Special thank you and shout out to the entire Waredaca team and to Musu who did his best to help us attract people to our table!
Waredaca Brewing
Waredaca Taproom Summer Schooling Series
Make sure to share with friends and family who METS is and what we do. Click here to learn more!


Denver is a very handsome 2005, Appendix standing at 16hh. This elegant guy is looking for a lovely place to enjoy as his new home. He was born at his current farm and raised by his current owner. He is loved and well cared for but due to downsizing, he is needing someone to take him on.
Denver is a friendly sweetheart, that is full of life with an engaging personality. He does have a history of arthritis, which his mother also had. This mainly appears to be affecting his front legs and left hind. He currently has front shoes with pads for relief. He has been out of consistent work for around 2 years so is demonstrating stiffness. Likely, with lighter and more regular work, a good maintenance plan (medication) with veterinarian and farrier, he will be a sounder riding partner. He will need to be brought back into work in a thoughtful way because of this or kept as a companion. Please note that Denver was not seen tacked or ridden for our in-person visit.
He is super for general handling; grooming, leading, cross ties, stall, farrier, etc. He’s not a fan of flies (but who is?). He is fine to live alone but his owner would like to see him with or close to others. He’d likely be a great babysitter in the field for younger horses, as he tends to be the alpha and has a fun and playful character.
For ridden work, he would need an intermediate rider that has knowledge and understanding from a trainer, on how to bring a horse safely back into work and how to managed/ be aware of arthritic changes, etc. He’d be best suited to flatwork in the ring as an English, Western, or pleasure type of horse. It was noted that he hasn’t been on extensive trails but he’d likely enjoy those. His current owner prefers for Denver not to be a part of lesson programs with multiple riders at this time.
Denver does crib but currently does not use any method to control this (at the owner’s preference). He loves mints and sometimes is a little nippy. He has an impressive disposition for being the only horse in the barn. He was quite tolerant of his rambunctious canine friend that joined him for most of his assessment! He enjoys spending time with kids and teens.
He is up to date with the farrier, vet visit, and Coggins. He does need a booster shot prior to him finding his new person. His current owner will take care of this.
Denver is priced at $1,500. His owner has generously offered to donate that amount to METS when Denver has been transitioned!
Interested in Denver?
Let us know by visiting the link below and submitting your inquiry!