METS Becomes EWDC Ambassador


We are proud to announce that METS is now officially an Equine Welfare Data Collective (EWDC) Ambassador! The EWDC is a collaborative effort to collect, analyze, and report statistics and information regarding equines who are at-risk or in transition. This is the first time a program of this magnitude has been undertaken and it is in an effort to better understand the challenges that equines across the United States face in order to better determine how to assist them. The EWDC was created by the United Horse Coalition (UHC), a program of the American Horse Council (AHC). Its funding partners include The Right Horse Initiative (TRH), the American Society for the Protection of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA), and the American Association of Equine Practitioners Foundation (AAEPF).

Until now, the EWDC was only able to gather information from and work with organizations who directly took full custody of at-risk equines at their facilities. However, the new Ambassador Program will now allow other organizations who indirectly assist these same equines to participate and play a role in the EWDC’s efforts by encouraging organizations to get involved and sharing feedback related to the program. All information gathered is presented in a report that is first made available to all participating organizations. It is free for organizations to participate and all information presented in the reports is kept anonymous so no organization is identified.

METS is extremely honored to accept the invitation to join in on the EWDC efforts. It is vital that we increase awareness about the challenges that our nation’s horses face so that we may offer further assistance when it comes to intervention and prevention. To learn more about the EWDC, visit their website.